Thursday, 22 August 2013

Mamie's Letter - Page 6

Because I’ve got to get up early in the morning so good-bye for this time.
I remain,
Your  ____________________

P.S. I don’t know what to put in after your please let me know.
I love the cows and chickens But that isn’t the life for me.
Please excuse the writing, paper, ink, scratching, blots, holes, dirt, etc. but it’s the I could find. Let’s Go.
Hot Dog

We found a few Joe/Joseph/John Ions who were from the area at around the same time, but didn't find any real conclusive matches for this particular Joe. The closest we found was a Sgt. Joseph Ion who married during WWII and was listed as being from Paris or Brantford. Our Joe would likely be nearly 40 during the second world war: it is not outside the realm of possibility that it is the same Joseph Ion, but unfortunately we couldn't find conclusive evidence, such as an age at the time of marriage.

We researched a few of the other names contained in the letter: Joe and Mamie's friends, and Joe's uncle, Michael Collins, but all had such common first and last names and we know so little about these folks that finding matches and more information was difficult.

Mamie, or Clara May Woodard, lived at her home on Sheridan Street with her brother Gordon. She had a second brother named Blake, and lost her father and mother in 1936 and 1945 respectively. Mamie never married and didn't have any children, but as her obituary from the year 2000 states, she would be missed by her cousins and her friends.

These items were donated in 2010, when they were discovered by the then-current occupants of the home, who had found them in a box in the attic along with several other documents.

Hot Dog.

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